We are:

Diverse -  Springfield Church loves and embraces the diversity of our surrounding community. We are made up of all different kinds of people. We don’t all look the same. We were born in different countries and in cities across the U.S.. We don’t  come from the same faith traditions, speak the same language at home, live in the same neighborhoods, have identical family makeups, or share the same hobbies. At Springfield, we have a beautiful patchwork church family, and we are extremely grateful for that.

Laid Back - Come as you are (suit and tie extremely optional). So, wear what you’re comfortable in. Our services are simple, informal, and meaningful. Our Minister is authentic, funny, (a bit disorganized), and a pretty great dad and friend. Bring your unique personality, noisy family, your skepticism or doubt, or whatever. We’ll make space for you as you are.

A Family - We fellowship frequently and enjoy being together. Many in our church family do not have local relatives, have deployed spouses, or are on their own, so we often function as each other’s extended family- attending kids’ games, hosting holiday meals or game nights, or holding each other when life gets difficult. Mainly, we’re just committed to caring for one another, because everyone needs a place to belong.

Flexible Framework of Faith- We encourage members, both young and old, to cultivate their own versions of faith. We give our kids the tools to develop their faith in their own way and to participate when or if they are ready. We are sensitive to the reality that for many adults, church can be associated with past traumas or negative experiences.

Embracing Imperfection- We are busy. Anxious. Over-scheduled. We try (and fail) to be like that Super-Mom or influencer on Instagram. We should have done that thing we keep putting off. We could have been kinder to that person. At Springfield Church you won’t be treated like a project if you don’t have it all together. Because we don’t either. We aren’t perfect- we’re just trying to be better people and neighbors.